The iris otherwise referred to as the “windows to the soul” are connected to every organ and cellular tissue within the body, via an intricate web known as the nervous system. It is estimated that there are over a million nerve fibres within the optic nerve, that run from the retina (eye) directly to the brain. These carry visual messages back and forth providing vital information regarding the health or possible defects within our physical, mental, social and emotional self. 

As an iridologist, I determines 3 vital components of the iris.

Constitution: Colour

Disposition: Fibrous structure

Diathesis: Overlay of pigment, markings, and signs that refer to specific physical and emotional stress within the body. These markings can be inherited or acquired

Iridology is a non evasive diagnosis, representing inherited and acquired health issues that can reach back as far as 3 generations. These health issues are governed  by dietary intake (food – drink), environmental stressors, emotional strain and lifestyle

Taking a look at the various images above, you will notice that no one iris resembles another. The eyes are unique to the individual and considered a form of finger print.

The irides display our inherent qualities, our strengths and our weaknesses. The way in which each of us live our lives, is reflected in the iris. What we take into our bodies determines or enhances our health.


Iris constitution refers to the colour of the iris. In iridology there are 3 constitutional iris colours:

  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Mixed

Blue eyes are referred to as:

  • Lymphatic types.
  • Often people with fair complexion.
  • blonde hair.
  • As children generally suffer from ear, nose, throat and allergenic complaints.
  • Heightened immune/lymphatic system.
  • Swollen glands and suffer from inflammation.
  • Arthritic problems.
  • Upper respiratory complaints.
  • Generally suffer with asthma, bronchitis and sinus issues.
  • Common issues regarding the hardening of arteries in the later stages of life.

 Brown eyes:

  • Usually found on people with a dark complexion.
  • Common complaints regarding the gastrointestinal system ex: digestion, flatulence, gas, constipation.
  • Liver and bile function
  • Poor circulation and thrombosis
  • Glandular disposition
  • Blood sugar levels.
  • Commonly complain of Haemorrhoids

Mixed colour:

  • Vulnerable to poor liver and gallbladder function
  • GI function ex: bowel issues, flatulence, gas, bloating.
  • Glandular disposition.
  • Blood sugar instability (dysglycaemia).